The ADA Dental Health Foundation (ADA DHF) is a registered Australian charity that coordinates the provision of dental treatment to disadvantaged Australian people genuinely in need of dental care. Our StateCoordinators liaise with local registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, to identify clients requiring oral care and advice. Volunteer dentists and their staff donate their time and skills to provide treatment at no cost to these clients in private dental surgeries across Australia.

The aim of the volunteer dental programs is to assist clients to access dental health services that they may otherwise not have had access to. Access to dental treatment and oral care advice enables patients to improve their dental health, speech, presentation and self-esteem and helps them move forward and achieve their goals.

Guidelines for Participation

Client referrals
The ADA DHF accepts referrals to the volunteer dental programs for adults aged between 18-65 years who are being supported by a registered charity or not for profit organisation. They must be in genuine need and have a desire to receive help with their oral health but have no ready access to the private or public dental system.
Only one course of treatment is offered on this program, your client must be placed on the public dental clinic for ongoing oral health support.

Clients may be supported by one of the following programs:

  • Domestic & Family Violence support/accommodation services
  • Drug and/or Alcohol rehabilitation
  • Those affected by mental health conditions
  • Near homeless or homeless support/accommodation services
  • Support services for those from low socioeconomic areas/circumstances

Please contact your ADA DHF State Coordinator for any referral that falls outside of these guidelines.


The ADA DHF coordinates a number of volunteer programs for patients to access only one course of free dental treatment. Your State Coordinator will advise which program is most suitable for your client before confirming the appointment.

Prioritising clients

Appointments will be made available to clients depending on several factors, including their current dental health, location and availability of volunteers in the area. Client referrals will be prioritised according to the following classifications:

High priority

  • Pain/toothache
  • Cavities or decay
  • Swelling
  • Broken or chipped teeth

Medium priority

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Swelling
  • Appearance issues

Low priority

  • Consultation/advice
  • Check-up
  • Clean and scale

Treatment provided

Our volunteer dentists aim to provide a full range of dentistry but please be aware that they may not have time to provide all treatment in a single appointment. You should discuss this with your client, so they are not disappointed on the day.

Treatments provided

  • Check-up
  • Relief of discomfort and pain
  • Extractions
  • Fillings
  • Oral health instruction

Treatments that may be provided

  • Dentures
  • Crown and bridge
  • Further treatment planning

Treatments not provided

  • Veneers
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Teeth whitening

Conditions that prevent or limit treatment

Please note the following conditions that will influence what treatment is provided to your client.

No treatment

  • Intoxication with alcohol or drugs
  • Fever
  • Poorly controlled diabetes
  • Dental phobias

No treatment Fillings but no extractions

  • Blood thinners or bleeding disorders
  • Radiation treatment to head or neck
  • Swelling
  • Osteoporosis medication

Arranging appointments for clients

Our volunteer dentists and their staff have kindly volunteered their time to provide free dental treatment to selected clients. Please respect their commitment by observing the following guidelines:

  • Ensure all clients genuinely cannot afford dental treatment and have no access to government health benefit schemes in your state.
  • Ensure all clients have a genuine need for treatment.
  • Ensure that a Referral Form is digitally completed and returned to your State Coordinator prior to the appointment.
  • Ensure all clients attend their designated appointment by arriving on or before time. Failing to attend appointments will result in removal from our programs.
  • Whilst attending the dental surgery, ensure that your clients are respectful of the volunteer staff, other patients attending on the day as well as the property of the dental practice. 
  • It is expected that patients will be accompanied to appointments by a charity representative. If you are unable to provide support, please discuss this directly with the State Coordinator.


By registering with the ADA DHF, you consent to the publication of your organisation’s name on our website, Facebook page and in other publications to enable the Foundation to report on and promote its activities.

The ADA DHF will not publish any personal information, such as individual case manager and staff member names, or patient names, unless express consent is given. If you have any concerns regarding privacy, please contact the State Coordinator.

Access to public dental services

Your client may be eligible for public dental services. Public clinics around Australia provide dental treatment free of charge, or at low cost, to eligible patients. It is important that your clients register with their local clinic for ongoing oral health maintenance. For more information on eligibility to your State public dental services, please refer to the Department of Health website at


At the end of this page, you will find a Registration Form, which you should complete, have signed by an authorised signatory for your organisation and return to the State Coordinator.

To refer your clients to the volunteer dental program, please complete a Referral and Medical History Form with your client and return to the State Coordinator. This form will be made available to registered organisations only and must be filled in digitally, no handwritten or scanned forms can be accepted.

SA State Coordinator
Mel Wolfendale
M: 0408 505 948

WA State Coordinator
Andrea Paterson
M: 0408 942 122

NSW State Coordinator
Karen Smith
M: 0499 191 901

VIC/TAS State Coordinator
Lynda Cunningham
M: 0417 466 636

QLD State Coordinator
Natasha Dagley
M: 0417 801 792

Charity Registration Form

By signing this Registration Form, I acknowledge that I have read the Guidelines for Participation and agree to
comply with these Guidelines.

  • I understand that it is a condition of participation that we are accountable for the attendance and behaviour of the clients referred by our organisation to ADA DHF. Offensive behaviour/language by your clients to our or practice staff will result in their removal from our program.
  • I understand that clients who fail to attend their designated appointments will run the risk of being excluded from the program and put our organisation at risk of limited future participation in the volunteer programs.
  • I understand that only one course of treatment will be offered via the ADA DHF programs.
    My client is placed on the public waiting list for ongoing oral health support.